The General Grand Chapter Distinguished Service Medal in Silver is presented for exceptional Masonic achievement; the performance of outstanding service for the York Rite, but particularly for Royal Arch Masonry. Nominations may be made by the Grand High Priest and forwarded by the D.G.G.H.P. and by him to the General Grand High Priest. Nominations shall be accompanied by a resume of the Royal Arch Service of the proposed recipient and a brief biographical statement. Three nominations may be made during a Triennium from each jurisdiction, but only one will be presented during each Triennium to a Royal Arch Mason of one of the affiliated Grand Jurisdictions of each York Rite Region. Not More than three such Silver Medals also may be presented at the Triennial Convocation from selection at large. Only two Connecticut Companions have been recipients of this very high honor:
Companion Richard L. Smail (18,27), now deceased, who received the medal in 1991.
Companion Charles B. Fowler, Jr. (17), who received the medal in 2011.
The General Grand Chapter Distinguished Service Medal in Bronze is presented to a Royal Arch Mason for meritorious service to Royal Arch Masonry other than holding Masonic Office as a Past Grand High Priest or as a Grand Chapter Officer. Only one such medal may be presented each year in each jurisdiction affiliated with the General Grand Chapter. The recipient is selected each year by the Grand High Priest of the jurisdiction.Connecticut recipients and the year in which they received the bronze medal are as follows:
William McKenzie * (1) 1952
George C. Meehan * (24) 1953
George O. Ellis * (39) 1956
Frederick W. Hummel * (52) 1957
James R. Case * (9) 1958
Harold S. Case * (15) 1959
Cecil H. Grant * (39) 1960
Frederick S. Knibloe * (33) 1961
F. Alton Clark * (39) 1963
Benjamin B. Crocker * (17) 1967
Earl B. Atwater * (40) 1971
Walter Brown * (42) 1975
Morton S. Naurison * (42) 1977
Russell E. Camp * (42) 1979
Joel D. Adkins * (7) 1980
Emerson C. Reed * (17) 1981
Gunnar F. Lundquist * (27) 1982
Harold A. Svendberg * (13) 1983
Laurence G. Farwell * (17) 1984
William E. Piercey * (29) 1986
Roscoe C. G. German * (33) 1988
Gilbert L. Gooden * (12) 1989
Robert A. Colbourn * (26) 1990
Andrew J. Muccianti * (18) 1991
William F. Orrell (49) * 1992
Gail N. Smith (9) 1993
* Deceased
# Present at Grand Convocation
# William F. Lott (42) 1994
Herbert R. Olson * (31) 1995
John G. McKechnie * (4) 1996
Ernest J. Smith * (51) 1997
# Charles B. Fowler, Jr. (17) 1998
Douglas A. Gray (02) 1999
Frank W. McNally (12) * 2000
George Kelaita (32) * 2001
Gary A. Littlefield (9) * 2002
Donald E. Robinson (26) * 2004
# Robert J. Knowles (27) 2005
# Charles D. O’Neill (23) 2006
Ronald C. Baker (31) 2007
Anthony Pipitone (13) 2008
Leo H. Lohrman (13) * 2010
# Bruce R. Bellmore (02) 2011
# Andrew G. Weimann (15) 2012
# Paul L. Chello (44) 2013
Charles C. Maxson (07) * 2014
# Charles A. McCollum (11) 2015
Arthur M. Pugh (27) 2016
# Clyde W. Kayser II (02) 2017
# James S. McNeely IV (17) 2018
Kenneth W. Marvin (09) 2019
William L. Miller, II (17), 2020
# Robert G. Fitzgerald (17) (2021)