Standing Committees
Templar Religious Activities
1. Chair: SK Most Rev. E. Jeffrey Craig REPGC
2. SK Rev. Paul K. Reckamp REPGC
3. SK Rev. Frederick B. Noyes

1. Chair: SK Geoffrey S. Joosten

Templar Jurisprudence
1. Chair: SK Joseph W. MacIntyre
2. SK Richard M. Kovak REPGC
3. SK W. Gary Norton REPGC

Grievance and Appeals
1. Chair: SK Karl S. Reith REPGC
2. SK Donald J. Beck REPGC
3. SK Michael R. Pursey REPGC

1. Chair: SK John M. Brett
2. SK William R. Miller
3. SK James Nero
4. SK Anthony C. Schwab REPGC

Grand Officer Reports
1. Chair: SK Steven L. Dazey
2. SK Michael A. Smitson
3. SK Bryan D. Bechler
Annual Conclave and Festival
1. Chair: SK Alan T. Spreen

1. Chair: SK Kenneth R. Cowen, Jr.
2. SK Thomas Hodgins
3. SK Joseph L. McAlister
4. SK Ricardo Rico Barrientes

1. Chair: SK Ed Bennett
2. SK Phillip Woodland
3. SK Marvin L. Colburn, Jr.
4. SK Ian Hyde (Connie)
5. SK Michael Palko-Dean

Constitution, Bylaws and Statutes
1. Chair: SK Richard M. Kovak REPGC
2. SK W. Gary Norton REPGC
3. SK Rabi K. Peifer

Washington York Rite Educational Foundation
1. Chair: SK Rabi K. Pfeifer
2. SK Michael R. Pursey
3. SK Patrick Stanton

Holy Land Pilgrimage
1. Chair: SK Most Rev. E. Jeffrey Craig REPGC
2. SK Geoffrey S. Joosten
3. SK Rev. Paul K. Reckamp REPGC

Commanderies UD
1. Chair: SK W. Gary Norton REPGC
2. SK Donald J. Beck REPGC
3. SK Alfred J. Luberts Jr.

Supplementary Committees

Time and Place
1. Chair: SK Steven L. Dazey
2. SK Bryan D. Bechler
3. SK Jay White

1. Chair: SK Charles “Chuck” Wetmore
2. SK Michael D. Holland

MMS Facilitator
1. Chair: SK Michael D. Holland

Board of Control
1. SK Alan T. Spreen
2. SK Steven L. Dazey
3. SK Bryan D. Bechler
4. SK Jay White
5. SK I. Merle Iverson REPGC

Finance and Investments
1. Chair: SK Anthony C. Schwab REPGC
2. SK John M. Brett
3. SK Charles R. Davis
4. SK John H. Vivian

Asylum Ritual and Tactics
1. Chair: SK Karl S. Reith REPGC
2. SK David A. Aponte REPGC (FL)
3. SK Michael D. Holland

Patriotic and Civil Affairs
1. Chair: SK Charles Compton
2. SK Marvin L. Colburn, Jr.
3. SK Phillip Woodland

Public Relations
1. Chair: SK Ian Hyde
2. SK Jimmy Norton, Jr.
3. SK Bryan D. Bechler
4. SK Anthony Annable
5. SK Patrick Stanton

Code and Regulations Review
1. Chair: SK W. Gary Norton REPGC
2. SK David A. Aponte REPGC (FL)
3. SK Karl S. Reith REPGC

Education Scholarship Foundation
1. Chair: SK Rabi K. Peifer
2. SK Michael R. Pursey REPGC
3. SK Patrick Stanton
4. SK Kyle Evenstad
5. SK Kirk “Al” Rose

Education Foundation
1. Chair: SK Rabi K. Peifer
2. SK Michael R. Pursey REPGC
3. SK Patrick Stanton
4. SK Kyle Evenstad
5. SK Kirk “Al” Rose

York Rite Life Membership/Memorial Fund
1. Chair: SK Karl S. Reith (one year)
2. SK David A Aponte REPGC (FL) (two years)
3. SK Edwin T. (Skip) Sanford (three years)

Distinguished Visitors
1. Chair: SK Jerry E. Whitney
2. SK Donald J. Beck REPGC
Election Tellers
(Appointed at Conclave)

Knights Templar Eye Foundation
1. Chair: SK Jay White
2. SK Earl Fordham
3. SK Lawrence M. Byrd
4. SK James D. Houston
5. SK John Burrage

Chartered Commanderies
1. Chair: SK W. Gary Norton REPGC
2. SK Donald J. Beck REPGC
3. SK Alfred J. Luberts Jr.

1. Chair: SK Michael D. Holland
2. SK David A. Aponte REPGC (FL)
3. SK Michael A. Smitson

KT Magazine Editor
1. Chair: SK Bryan D. Bechler

6. SK Michael A. Smitson
7. SK Joseph W. MacIntyre
8. SK W. Gary Norton REPGC